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Since you had the time to find this secret page, let's take a few minutes together to practice gratitude. Let's write down 3 things we're grateful for today.

I started journaling in June 2022 and since then, every morning and night, I've written down 3 things I'm thankful for. It only takes a few minutes a day but my life has transformed dramatically since. Writing 6 things of these a day really forced my brain to think about the good in everything. Below are some of the things I've written before:

Some of these are pretty silly now that I read them but there's never enough things to be thankful for! Recently, I also started writing one thing I love and appreciate about myself in addition to the 3 things I'm thankful for. It's part of my ongoing experiment of improving mental well-being with my habits.

Sorry for all this rambling. Anyways, gratitude truly changed my life and I just thought it was worth sharing. I will update this page with any thoughts I have.

Update 9/9/2024: Wow, it's already been more than 2 years since I started this journaling. I used to religiously journal right when I wake up and before I sleep but now I've kinda slipped to just doing them all at night. Nevertheless, I still feel like this habit does wonders to the subconscious. I'm proud that I haven't missed a single day (when I do, I fill them back in after), which means this live counter should theoretically total up how many "Thankful for..."s I've written by now:

Days since: 0
"thankful"s written: 0

My journal evolution circa 2024

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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